I've been searching for Mrs. Plaid Man my whole life, but I always miss out. I'm the Big Slick, so close to winning, but another hand always wins. I'm too slow to react. That's how I missed out on a relationship with Lindsey, and part of the reason I had to move to this small town. But now I think I've finally found her. But she doesn't seem to remember me, no matter how many times I talk to her. And let me tell you, there's only so many times a man can get his ass kicked by a woman.
I am going to start off by saying that this is one of my favorite stories to date that I have read. Regarding this story, we have to say we laughed so hard after reading it from cover to cover, are assessment is that this story was down right hilarious.
We loved Elle and Jake's story, it was so unusual that we loved it even more. Honestly, Jake went through hell in this story but, somehow kept his good nature intact as well as his temper and his pride intact for the most part. Talk about being railroaded, Jake was just that but, you will understand once you read the story if it was for the greater good or not.
Without giving away the story, we will give some brief highlights years ago Jake thought he had found the woman of his dreams and poof she was gone years later he meets her again but, this time she doesn't remember him. The next path takes Jake on the path of meeting six Slovakian sisters and a case of mistaken identity.
We could go on and on about the troubles Jake had but, meeting Elenora aka Elle was the best thing to happen to him but, her crazy family not so much.
We loved Jake and Elle as a couple they were perfect for one another, both so down to earth and genuine, and they had some awesome chemistry together. Their courtship took us on one heck of a ride with lots of ups and downs, but, saying it was a rollercoaster ride might be more accurate.
We have never had so much fun with a story non-stop laughing with scenes funny not funny but, those scenes were created from Elle's crazy family who had her best interest at heart. Loved the craziness of it all and loved seeing Jake aka plaid man so out of wack and in a tizzy all the time, it made the story even more hilarious.
No matter how funny the story was it was emotional too, not only was Jake railroaded so was Elle, and we wished their courtship developed organically but, sometimes it's just not in the cards for that couple but, perhaps fate had intervened with this couple and not just Elle's crazy a** family who we happened to love also.
A perfect ending to a really awesome read that we absolutely loved.

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