Release Date: April 19
I threw a paper airplane love note from my window.
First mistake.
I aimed it at a gorgeous stranger and put my address on it.
Second mistake.
Yep. You guessed it. I missed and hit a werewolf instead.
Best thing that ever happened to me?
Next thing I knew, a large angrily attractive werewolf man was trying to get in my apartment. I introduced him to my baseball bat and figured that was the end of things.
Or not.
Because my well-meaning sister became a vampire to cure my immune disorder. Long story. In the process, she got a deadly team of fang bangers to hunt us for breaking their rules. Longer story. A+ for good intentions and a D- for execution, if you ask me.
Re-enter Mr. Grumpy and Growly werewolf. He’s going to be my bodyguard slash kidnapper, whether I like it or not. Apparently, he’s the only thing standing between me and certain death. Swoon, right?
Of course he hates all things vampire. A.K.A. he will take me from undead to dead-dead if he figures out what I’m becoming.
Thankfully, he has completely underestimated my ability to woo him with my adorable innocence, cheery disposition, and extreme powers of modesty.
As long as the feelings stay one-sided, I’ll be fine. Because giving your heart to a guy who is probably going to try to murder you is a recipe for disaster. And come on. When was the last time I made a catastrophic, life-threatening mistake?

We really enjoyed this story it was cute and fun and entertaining read where we found ourselves laughing on and off through the entire story. The characters were awesome and a lot of fun. We loved Sylvie even though she lived kind of a crap life she was still full of piss and vinegar and full of sass, and we found out that she had a wicked sense of humor.
Riggs was a man who you instantly think brutey and grumpy and a bit of an A-hole but, he was so much more than that under that armor of his there was a man capable of compassion and love and protectiveness.
We love a good paranormal read and the fact that it had both werewolves and vampires made it more interesting. Sylvie's and Riggs attraction seemed doom-full especially with Sylvie's compromised immune system but, both Riggs and his wolf have chosen Sylvie so its up to fate to see how their story will end.
Overall just a fun read that made you smile that had a lot of ups and downs was full of betrayals and hate and one of compromises also forgiveness and let's not forget finding love do to the most unusual circumstances. We loved it!

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Meet Penelope Bloom
I'm a USA Today Bestselling Author and have written nearly a dozen top 50 amazon bestsellers, including four books that have hit the top 10!
Despite all that, I'm still a nervous wreck before I release every new book and I still feel like I have so much more to learn about writing and publishing than I can even wrap my head around.
I'm just beyond honored and humbled that so many readers have embraced me and found enjoyment in my words, because I can't think of any better opportunity than this.
When I'm not writing and stressing about what I'm going to write, I'm trying to wrangle my two little girls who are 2 and a half and 1 and a half. When I'm not wrangling them, I'm trying to keep my husband in line.
Writing and helping run the family aren't easy, but I'd never trade it for anything!
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