On tour with Prism Book Tours
Now and Forever
by Simi K Rao
Adult Romance
Paperback & ebook, 216 pages
October 10th 2016
Can Shaan and Ruhi face their biggest fears and unite together?
Shaan and Ruhi Ahuja, very much in love Indian newlyweds, discover each other in Simi K. Rao’s Now and Forever—the sassy and sexy sequel to Inconvenient Relations. After getting the scare of their lives while traveling in the Grand Canyon, Shaan and Ruhi go back home to one dilemma after another. Shaan’s job is in jeopardy, and one of Ruhi’s closest friends, Sunshine, needs her. How will Shaan and Ruhi handle life’s hurdles, while still trying to get to know each other as husband and wife? Will they be able to forsake all others and consolidate their relationship?
Ruhi struggled. Her mind tried to resist the temptations of her body and upset her husband’s efforts to have her at all costs, until finally he let go.
He watched her silently as she turned her back to him and pulled on her attire. “Where are you off to?” he asked.
She swung around to look at him, her face flushed from their exertions. “Uh…I’m going to try to get a quick wash before everyone gets up.”
“And then?”
“Then?” she tilted her head to one side. “Don’t you remember; we are supposed to go white water rafting today?”
“Ah…yes. But there aren’t any compulsions.” He lay down, cushioning his head on his arms, a wide grin on his face.
“But I want to go, Shaan. Don’t you?”
“I wanted to earlier, but not now. Not after last night. You know what I want…what you want.”
“No, I won’t lose this opportunity. I…I’m going, even if you don’t want to come.”
Emitting a wretched cry, she wrenched herself from his grasp and slipped outside the confines of the tent. After pausing for a fraction of a second, she hobbled to the river while the lower half of her body screamed in protest.
She found a small secluded spot behind a large boulder where a shallow pool of water had lodged. Without a second thought she waded in, her feet skimming over the river rock worn smooth by eons of erosion. She went deeper and deeper till her waist was submerged, and the cool wetness seeped into her flesh, numbing the burning pain that was making her brain run wild.
Standing there alone, waiting for her harried breath to calm, Ruhi let her gaze wander far and wide, absorbing the early morning light as it bounced off the rippling waves that rushed in their endless quest in the brilliant blue and green colors of the rainbow. Her hands tried to snare them but failed, her fingers were like a sieve.
Then she saw a face in the river, but failed to recognize it.
Confused, she splashed in the water before realizing the face was none other than her own. She had changed. Ruhi Sharma had changed. She didn’t belong to herself anymore. Instead, she bore her husband’s indelible stamp and it frightened her. She urged herself to make a run for it, to take a breath that wasn’t enmeshed with his. But he influenced her every notion, manipulated every idea that occurred in her mind, thereby making her sway to his every tune.
Wasn’t that the way it was supposed to be? Isn’t this the day, the moment she had been waiting for all along?
Then why do I want to resist?
She thought for a moment, then proclaimed aloud, “Because I’m me. I cannot not be me, even though I am his.”
Tour Schedule
January 8: Launch
January 5: Angels with Attitude Book Reviews
January 6: Mythical Books
January 8: The Broke Book Bank
January 9: Nicole's Book Musings & Hearts & Scribbles
January 10: Book Lover in Florida
January 11: Grand Finale

Simi K. Rao was born and grew up in India before relocating to the U.S., where she has lived for several years.
The inspiration for her books, and other projects, comes from her own experience with cross-cultural traditions, lifestyles and familial relationships, as well as stories and anecdotes collected from friends, family and acquaintances.
Rao enjoys exploring the dynamics of contemporary American culture blended with Indian customs and heritage to reflect the challenges and opportunities many Indian-American women face in real life.
Much of Rao's down time is devoted to creative pursuits, including writing fiction, poetry and photography. She is an avid traveler and has visited many locations around the world.
A practicing physician, Rao lives in Denver with her family.
Tour Giveaway
$10 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends January 15th
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