My rating: 4 of 5 stars
My first book my Michele and loved it. Her writing and wit reminded me about another favorite author of mine Gerry Bartlett. I laughed, I cried, and I started wondering if all the hot Gaelic speaking men lived in some sleepy little town in Oklahoma .This little sleepy town had some really HOT vampires where a girl like me would like to find a vamp of her own speaking all sexy Gaelic makes a girl all dreamy and melting inside. LOL I really loved Lorcan and Eva, they were my kind of couple. They both had self-esteem issues, responsibilities, and were strong yet vulnerable on their own. Both grew together in order to get over there complex issues and also learning to forgive and accept the past in order to be happy with ones future.
It seems like a very real town and all these parents are dealing with very real issues: how to do right by their kids, how to set up a working schedule, and how to blend their new lives . The fact that they are vampire's and parents they still had to raise there kids like every other single parent but slightly different. I liked the fact that Eva daughter was accepting of her mother's new life style.The scenes going on between mother and daughter are like any other parents you fight and make up.
Eva's character made me laugh out loud so many of times she was too funny for someone who was suppose to be a mousy librarian. Lorcan had so many layers to him it was nice to see all of the unfolding before your eyes.Several twists and turns along the way. They gave you a little background as to what happened and why 11 single parents where made vampire and why.The other characters when brought over from the first book and included in this book made it fun an interesting. Eva surprised me the most of all forgiving the vampire who turned her life upside down and saw his tortured soul and wanted to ease it by loving him. Not a lot going on in this story just a slow budding romance with two unlikely couples falling in love and one making a sacrifice to save the one they love.
Looking forward to picking up the first that started the series and reading the rest of the series .I am thinking there will be many laughs ahead to read about. Fast fun read read the book in a couple of hours.
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