- Publication date : June 21, 2024
- Language : English
- Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
- Text-to-Speech : Enabled
- Print length : 196 pages
Growing up the way I did, in a fundamentalist religion, I
Meeting Belle in college was the best thing I ever did;
Until… we were kidnapped and held for more months
Still… if only I didn’t feel like dirt beneath a snake’s
I grew up under RiffRaff’s reign as the president of
Except… despite her horrific injuries and muteness
Only… she slips away one night and ends up in the
This time, however, she’s mine and my fury will be
About the author
I'm a lifelong reader who had a dream to write her
own books. A transplanted Yankee, I recently moved cross
country from Georgia to Texas. While I have a strong
personal belief system and faith, I won't be "preaching"
in any of my books. They'll have perfectly imperfect
people in it who meet, fall in love, fall into bed (at times;
sometimes they might wait), have kids, get married. In
short, I want to write books that make people think and
My debut novel, "Bountiful Harvest" was released on the
7th anniversary of my mom's death. Somehow, I think
my biggest cheerleader and staunchest defender
helped it publish so quickly.
Since hitting publish on 8/31/16, I've had the privilege to
begin co-writing with Liberty Parker on an MC series,
the Rebel Guardians. There are seven books out in
this series, plus two books in a spin-off (2.0, the next
generation) and the first book in The Nelson Brothers
(who shows up in book 5 of the RGMC). We're
at work on yet another spin-off (New Beginnings)
featuring some of the girls from the RGMC whose love
interests are not with the men from the MC!
I also co-write a series of children's short stories with a
fellow author, Cherry Shephard and her 10 year old son.
Get immersed in "The Mischief Kitties" and their zany,
crazy lives!
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