
Thursday, March 17, 2022

Release & Review for RESTLESS NIGHT by Persephone Autumn

Release Date: March 15


I loathe Micah Reed. Yet, I can't keep my eyes off him.


Years ago, he opened his mouth in a room full of our peers. Said nine words and ruined my life.

My high school crush did exactly that... crushed me.


But I am no longer the quiet, loner girl from high school. The girl who let others trample her spirit.

No, I take charge. Stand tall. Bend to no one. Never again.

Especially Micah Reed.


Peyton Alexander makes me question my sanity. Yet, I refuse to stop antagonizing her.


Since her first day at work, she has given me the death glare. Lipped off and verbally slapped me.

And every night, I go back for another round.


Not sure what I did to deserve her animosity, but I plan to find out. Plan to fix whatever mistake I made.

Although I live for her banter, I want more with Peyton. The attention she gives other men, I want it for myself.

Call me presumptuous, but Peyton Alexander will be mine.


Micah wants me because I don't fall for his charms.

Peyton resists to deny herself the truth.


Will he ever figure out who I am?

Will she ever let me in? 

Enjoyable story, loved that banter back and forth between the characters, it was funny with them snipping and sniping at one another and some of  those comebacks some were doozies.

Micah and Peyton have a history, the problem is Micah

can't remember her, but, Peyton remembers him just fine. Clearly, Peyton showed a side of hatred for him but, the man had nothing but lust for her, and that he never seemed to give up finding out the secret between them. It does bother him that she is like that and only him, if only he could remember.

Peyton's younger years could have gone either two ways, one could have ended with horrific consequences, the other where Peyton decided to focus her anger differently and became stronger and more confident in

her life moving forward.

Loved Micah and Peyton together even when they were slaying verbal slurs against one another because there was always this underlying sexual current or attraction or a pull between them and because of that someway, or somehow they would be able to work out their past between them.

Loved Peyton's character a lot and in the end loved how she offered Micah an olive branch moving past the bitterness she has toward him but, It's still up to him to remember what happened in the past and right a wrong done to her.

Overall, loved the laying of the foundation between these two for what's to come but, the pain is not over for these characters it's remains to be seen if what they were trying to build between one another is strong enough to survive for what fate has in store for them next.

First time author for us, and we have to say we really enjoyed our first read by them.

Meet Persephone Autumn 

Persephone lives in sunny Florida with her wife, crazy dog, and two lover-boy cats, and she’s never far from her daughter or grandpup. 

She’s an avid lover of ethnic food, especially Asian, and has fun discovering ways to veganize her favorite non-vegan foods. 

If given the option, she would get lost in nature on purpose. 

For several years, she’s always done some form of writing. After pairing her poetry with images and posting them on social media, she received peer praise and started her novel writing journey.

Although her core style is romance, Persephone dips her toes in other genres from time to time. All stories deserve for their voice to be heard and she plans to write where the characters lead her.

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