
Friday, March 25, 2022

Blog Tour & Review for Lust by Eva Charles

You’re mine
“our pain, your sorrow, your tears—I want it.

Lust, the dark arranged marriage romance and second book in The Sinful Empire Trilogy from Eva Charles is available now!

Our fate was sealed with a blood oath.
She’s much more than I expected.
And hiding deadly secrets.

Her angels play so nicely with my demons.
I crave her touch.
Her whimpers.
Her obedience.
Her light.

Do I deserve her? No.
Will that stop me from taking what’s rightfully mine? Also no.

Some men never seek forgiveness, not even with their final breath.
My name is Antonio Huntsman, and I am one of those men.

Lust is the second book in A Sinful Empire Trilogy, which begins with Greed and concludes with Envy. It should be read after reading Greed. Lust is a dark romance with dark themes.
Forbidden fruit has never been sweeter…

Another heart pounding suspenseful read! Daniela and Antonio wonderful characters, one dark, one light. This story was full of angst and suspense, and some points just ripped your heart out. Daniela bared her soul this time around. Antonio and Daniela are still very new to marriage and navigating through their newness it was like navigating through a mind field, so many ups and downs and twists and turns and so many secrets that it was making it impossible to believe this couple had a chance at all. Loved Daniela's fire and passion for the ones she loved. Antonio was a character that was difficult, dangerous, used to obedience and one who is full of many layers. Loved seeing glimpses that he was capable of kindness and that there was something other than darkness below the surface. Daniela for all she suffered was a fighter, a survivor and with one goal in mind keep her loved ones safe by any means possible. It was nice to see people in Daniela's corner this time around, and ones willing to go up against Antonio to give her a different life if it was to be her choice. This story was full of hot and sexy scenes and no matter how Antonio and Daniela came to be, there was no question their chemistry was off the charts and their sexual escapades hot then he**! Another page turner for us and we could not put in down, ended yet with another cliffhanger, and we can't wait for the conclusion. Secret lies and traitors run a muck, hopefully next time we will find out if they were truth or fabricated or so much more...

Grab your copy today!
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Start the trilogy with Greed!
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“I’m not easy, Daniela. I’ll never be easy, and we will never have the kind of marriage little girls dream about. But I can take care of you the way you deserve. If you let me.”
The steam has taken over every corner of the shower, but through the fog, I see the emotion in his face. I feel how much it costs him to open his heart to me. It’s staggering.
I stand and drag my hand over two days’ worth of stubble, enjoying the rough prickle on my fingertips.
“Little girls don’t all have the same dreams. Some of us dream about dark princes, on dark horses, who defy danger, bravely slaying dragons and monsters. I’ll take the extravagant library and the glass slippers, and even the little mice who chatter endlessly, but in my heart, I’m a dirty Princesa, and I want the dark fairy tale. The one with the dangerous, broody prince who has a good soul that he never allows anyone to see.” I stroke his jaw. “I can take care of you, too, if you let me.”
He takes my hand and brings it to his mouth. His eyes never leave mine. “You deserve more than me. So much more.”
I shake my head. “What I deserve is what every girl and every woman deserves: to choose my own fairy tale, and my own prince. Tradition and outdated customs be damned.”
“You make it sound so simple.”
“It is, Antonio. You’re too close to see it, but it’s not a novel idea. That kind of freedom will strengthen our world rather than weaken it.”
A muscle in his jaw twitches. “You would have never chosen me after your father died, or if I’d gone to Fall River and asked you to come home.” Anguish is woven around each word.
“I don’t know. Maybe not.” It pains me to tell him, but it’s the truth. “There have been so many seasons of my life when I would have chosen you over anyone. But I don’t know. What I do know is that I choose you now.”

About Eva Charles
Eva Charles is the best-selling author of sexy romantic suspense, and contemporary romance. She spent a career working as a social worker and an attorney, specializing in domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and civil rights. Aspects of this work often sneak their way into her books.
When she's not writing steamy stories, trying to squeeze information out of her tight-lipped sons, or playing with the two naughtiest dogs you've ever met, Eva's creating chapters in her own love story.

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