I said I'd never leave him, and I meant it.
He's my brother's best friend. I never intended to feel this way.
I couldn't help it. You're not supposed to. We fell in love.
Movies, songs and books would have you believe that love is the end all be all.
Is it possible that they're all wrong?
I said I'd never leave him... but what if I need to?
I don't deserve her.
She's too good for me. I feel too selfish.
I never used to think more than two steps ahead in my private life.
She's opened up real possibilities and real weaknesses in my suit of armor
Will I ever be the man she needs?
I'm realizing we may be running to places she isn't even ready to walk to.
I don't have the answers....only more questions.
Have I top shelved in the finals or hit strike three and I'm out?
I told Eli "now I can go and be great." What does that really mean?
Is it marrying the love of your life or landing the job of your dreams?
I started off with wanting one and ended up craving the other.
I've never had problems with confidence before.
I didn't have as much to lose.
He thinks I can have it all. But can I?
All I want is her. There are things I still want with her.
She is my rock, the vortex who set me right when I needed her most.
Now it's her turn to lean on me.
For nearly four years, my family fought to keep me whole.
Now it’s my turn. I can be their anchor.
Hayley and Wes are now flying side by side, and with that, can come huge risks.
Risk can have great reward or turn you inside out.
Bono's speech about the promises we make throughout our entire life hits close to home.
They have to hold us together.
A rubber band can only stretch so far before it snaps.
Pivot is the sexy and emotional final chapter to Twisted and Entwined in K. Bromberg's Driven World

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