
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Book Review Far from Bliss by Lexi Blake writing aas Sophie Oak

Shattered by the past

Michael Novak was a US Marshal with his whole life figured out. Right up until the woman he called partner betrayed him. He’s been hiding in Bliss, CO, trying to pull himself out of the darkness. The only bright light is Lucy Carson. Something about Trio’s favorite waitress calls to him, but he can’t trust his instincts anymore.

Yearning for the future

Lucy has loved Tyler since they were kids, but he never seemed to feel the same way. She worried she would never want a man the way she does Ty, and then Michael grumbled his way into her world. Beyond the broody exterior, she sees a burning fire in his eyes, and she is drawn to that flame.

The time is finally right

Ty knows Lucy is the one for him, but Lucy wrote him off romantically long ago. If he could get her to see him in a different light, he knows she would realize that they’re perfect for each other. His obstacle is the town’s reclusive former lawman, Michael. But this is Bliss. A rival can turn into a partner for the right woman. And Lucy is definitely the right woman.

Ty approaches Michael with a plan to get Lucy between them. A bargain is made, and Lucy is their target. But Lucy is already in much more dangerous crosshairs. Murder has come to Bliss, and Lucy is at the center of the investigation.

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We have to say we are really loving this series where the series takes place in a small town where the town accepts the lifestyle of troupe couples, it becomes a theme among the town and considered quite normal. We love how the people of this town seem like one large happy family where the residents are in everybody's business but, when push comes to shove, they all have each other backs to. Not only that, but we loved how protective they were of one another and the women of the town. Loved the characters of this current story, it was hard not to love them all. When the story start off with Ty's half cocked plan I never thought it would work, they were all so different but, in the same breath, I could see it working because TY and Michael were complete opposites but, it was a perfect situation for Lucy because she craved both the dark and the light. We loved being on their journey as it was a bit rocky and not smooth sailing and took a turn for the worse but, through the ups and down there was growth, acceptance, healing, forgiveness for all parties involved. The chemistry among this threesome was hot as all get out. The sex scenes sexy and sensual, whether it was a one on one situation or troupe, they made Lucy feel like she was their forever each and every time. Although I was attracted and drawn to Michael's grumpiness and Michael possessive side my favorite character in this threesome was Ty he always shined so brightly was upbeat all the time but, I was really drawn to him because he wore his heart on his sleeve when it came to Lucy always looking out for her needs even if it was in an incognito fashion. Bottom line, we loved this story from beginning to end and everything in between. So looking forward to Mel's story next.