
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Blog Tour for Bride of the Emperor by Hayley Faiman

Title: Bride of the Emperor
Series: The Prophecy of Sisters
Author: Hayley Faiman
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Release Date: April 26, 2021

Drucilla Collins knows something is very wrong. All three of her sisters are missing. As the baby of the family, her sisters are always there for her—except now.

Where could they be? Three sisters who live across the country from one another don’t just disappear into thin air—do they? She doesn’t think that they could until it happens. They’re gone.

Landing on a strange beach, a warrior appears on a horse in what appears to be some foreign countryside. He is enormous, his body is gorgeous, but his face is hidden behind a metal helmet.

When he scoops her up from the ground, she is sure that all of this means that she will be seeing her sisters soon. They must be wherever this strange beast of a man is taking her.

Tiberius Quirinus is the newly crowned Emperor of Savona. Trained to be a warrior, he never wanted to take over the empire. His father was a tyrant. A man that he had to put down himself to save his people.

An ancient prophecy is well on its way to becoming fulfilled. Tiberius knows that he is the last piece of the puzzle, but there is a problem, he cannot love. The emotion does not exist inside of him, at least not romantically.

Two people who never imagined settling down. Marriage was nothing that either of them desired. Two people who take what they want, when they want.

Magic, witches, gods, and goddesses fill their new relationship and their world. Can they destroy their walls and fall in love, or will their world crumble before them?

Loved Drucilla and how she got herself fates to a man who in a sense was nothing like the men she dated in her own time. This woman was strong and independent ,beautiful and kind and loving she had not had the best of luck with relationships in general previously so this new relationship was like wading through a mind field.

Tiberius made us laugh and at times wanted to smack him upside the head but, considering he got a modern woman it was cute that he was trying to find his footing when it came to her always messing up and floundering himself made for quite a few chuckling moments for us.

Overall a great paranormal romance loved the series and loved the characters and loved how these women remained their true selves considering the times they were living in. We enjoyed the twists and the turns this story took and saw how magic was used for good and evil and these women. A page turner for us!


As an only child, Hayley Faiman had to entertain herself somehow. She started writing stories at the age of six and never really stopped.

Born in California, she met her now husband at the age of sixteen and married him at the age of twenty in 2004. After all of these years together, he’s still the love of her life.

Hayley’s husband joined the military and they lived in  Oregon, where he was stationed with the US Coast Guard. They moved back to California in 2006, where they had two little boys. Recently, the four of them moved out to the Hill Country of Texas, where they adopted a new family member, a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.

Most of Hayley’s days are spent taking care of her two boys, going to the baseball fields for practice, or helping them with homework. Her evenings are spent with her husband and her nights—those are spent creating alpha book boyfriends.