Title: Knees in the Breeze
Series: Kings of Vengeance MC Series
Author: Winter Travers
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: March 29, 2020
Goodreads Review - “Wow! This 3rd installment into the world of the Kings of Vengance MC was absolutely thrilling!”
Goodreads Review - “Once again Ms Travers delivers a suspenseful and intriguing story in this new series.”
Goodreads Review - “So um yea ... im kinda speechless I love Rhino and Petra together. There is so much happening im just yea Queenie!!!”
That’s all I really want, but nothing ever goes the way I want.
Bodies are piling up, Petra is too scared to talk, and the club is scrambling to figure out just what is going on.
When I signed on with the Kings of Vengeance I figured I’d get my time with my knees in the breeze, but someone has other plans for the Kings.
Soon they’ll find out why we’re called the Kings of Vengeance.
Vengeance will be ours.
This is going to be a really quick review.I am really loving the characters of this series and we really liked Petra and Rhino as a couple because I really thought they were perfect for one another and I found Rhino to be patient and kind when it came to Petra's needs.
The story itself bored be to tears.The romance stuff we loved the other stuff not so much.The ending just pissed me right off! Omg! things were finally getting interesting and then bam the book was over.
The highlight of the book for me was the old ladies and their so called book club.The girl's antic's and the mouths made me laugh out loud.
This was just an okay read for us we liked it but didn't love it.
3 stars from us
Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Winter Travers is a devoted wife, mother, and aunt turned author who was born and raised in Wisconsin. After a brief stint in South Carolina following her heart to chase the man who is now her hubby, they retreated back up North to the changing seasons, and to the place they now call home.
Winter spends her days writing happily ever afters, and her nights being a karate mom hauling her son to practices and tournaments.. She also has an addiction to anything MC related, puppies, and baking.
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