THE HUNTED, a dark fairy tale retelling
by Bethany-Kris
Publication Date: January 6, 2020
Genres: Adult, Dark Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal Elements, Fairy Tale, The Little Mermaid

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Let the hunt begin …
After witnessing the murder of his mother by a mermaid, Prince Eryx Bloodhurst of Atlas makes a deal to sedate his need for vengeance: they’ll catch the mermaid who did the deed, but he’ll pay for it with his crown.
Arelle, third princess of the Blu Sea, has never known the true cruelty of the forbidden lands firsthand, but she will soon. The halfling prince with murder in his eyes and the sea’s songs in his blood will make sure of that.
He should kill her.
Perhaps, keeping her might be worse.
Two kingdoms are falling. One king is losing it all and another threatens to ruin everything. The rules of the land and sea are changing. Secrets of the past are spilling.
And all because of a prince and his little mermaid—whether they live or die—nothing in the realm will ever be the same.
In The Hunted, Bethany-Kris opens a new world—the 9INE REALMS—for readers with a dark fairy tale retelling, and pulls inspiration from the cult classic favorite and the Hans Christian Andersen original to redefine what it means to be The Little Mermaid.
After witnessing the murder of his mother by a mermaid, Prince Eryx Bloodhurst of Atlas makes a deal to sedate his need for vengeance: they’ll catch the mermaid who did the deed, but he’ll pay for it with his crown.
Arelle, third princess of the Blu Sea, has never known the true cruelty of the forbidden lands firsthand, but she will soon. The halfling prince with murder in his eyes and the sea’s songs in his blood will make sure of that.
He should kill her.
Perhaps, keeping her might be worse.
Two kingdoms are falling. One king is losing it all and another threatens to ruin everything. The rules of the land and sea are changing. Secrets of the past are spilling.
And all because of a prince and his little mermaid—whether they live or die—nothing in the realm will ever be the same.
In The Hunted, Bethany-Kris opens a new world—the 9INE REALMS—for readers with a dark fairy tale retelling, and pulls inspiration from the cult classic favorite and the Hans Christian Andersen original to redefine what it means to be The Little Mermaid.
Ms. Kris does it yet again and what a captivating story this was as it drew you right in from the very beginning and just a few pages in, and I was totally enthralled to the very end.
I have to say that I was a little apprehensive going into this story whether I was going to love this story or not as this is not the norm for Ms. Kris because she is really known well for her amazing mafia romance reads but, I can say after reading this story that was filled with secrets, lies, deceit, and a bit of mystery I don't know why I even thought that in the first place because everything this author writes is just simply amazing, and I have to say that I loved it so much that I didn't want it to end and had there been a book two I would have dived right into that one too!
I have to say I loved the character's Erxy and Arelle. Arelle was just the sweet and kind a caring type with just a big heart who could be smart, sassy, sexy and flirty.
Erxy was just one of those characters you felt sorry for as even being a prince he never felt he belonged or was loved by no other than by his mother alone, and he also carried around a bit of darkness within him but, once the mother he loved so desperately was taken from him that darkness magnified, and he became more intense and bruiting and down right dangerous and full of vengeance.
What I think we loved most about this story was the battle of wills between these two main characters. Erxy and Arelle she was the light, and he full of darkness and that fine line of love and hate but, not matter what the draw the mystery the sexual desire and tension always remained there between them and that was hotter than hell and their chemistry off the charts.
I loved that this re-telling was a bit dark, as in made the story more interesting and even more intense and even believable that a story like this could actually be true. I have to say, Poe was also one of those characters that was not easily forgotten.
We loved the story from beginning to end and everything in between as the story was quite enthralling, and it had a great cast of characters whether you loved them or hated them it was the perfect mix of both and no matter what you do you can not out run your fate. I also loved how Eryx also called Arelle his little mermaid all the time because even when he hated her his calling her this was always infused with affection, lust and even perhaps even love and that always put a smile on our face.
"Just mesmerizing !"


Bethany-Kris is a Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to four young sons, one cat, and two dogs. A small town in Eastern Canada where she was born and raised is where she has always called home. With her boys under her feet, snuggling cat, barking dogs, and a hubby calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something … when she can find the time.
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