
Friday, December 13, 2019

Release Tour for Cherishing His Forever by LeAnn Ashers

Title: Cherishing His Forever
Series: Forever Series #3 
Author: LeAnn Ashers
Genre: Romance
Release Date: December 10, 2019

I was eight months pregnant and on the run from my ex when I met the love of my life. The Navy Seal who saved me in more ways than one.
Chase made his way into my life, completely turning it upside down. He made me feel safe and gave me so many things I’d never fathomed I could have.
He became a dad to my son.
But just as my life started to feel perfect, I was hit with a bombshell. The mafia my ex belonged to had a bounty on my head.
My life truly started the day I met Jessica, and I vowed to keep her and our son safe.
But now they wanted her. And even worse, they were after my son.
What they didn’t know was that I was waiting for them. I had been trained for this.
I’d never let anyone harm my family. They’d have to go through me first.
They tried taking it all away, but they quickly realized it was a battle I would never lose.

Let's start off by saying we really enjoying reading this authors stories as she is one of our favorite authors.We loved this story from beginning to end as the story drew you right in right from the very beginning and it was faced paced  and filled with a whole lot of intriguing characters and we loved it.

The story had action and suspense and love and some awesome chemistry that was between Jessica and Chase and some very hot fan worthy sexy scenes.We loved Jessica and her protectiveness and sass and we loved how Chase accepted baby hunter as his own and the lengths he went to protect the two.

We loved the instant love/romance the family drama with her ex linked to the mafia and found the story that was sitting on the seat of your pants intriguing.This was one heart felt read that touched on the readers emotions  and it definitely gave you the feels.

"We a so loving this series !" 
"What a beautiful and wonderful story and we loved it !"

LeAnn Ashers is a blogger-turned-author who spends her days reading and writing. She released her debut novel early 2016, and can't wait to see where this adventure continues to take her. LeAnn enjoys writing about strong-minded females and swoon-worthy, protective alpha males who love their women unconditionally.