Title: The Complete Package (The Jake Davis Box Set)
Author: Leigh Lennon
Genre: Holiday Romance
Release Date: December 5, 2019
Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.
The Holiday Package and The Sweetest Package are now in a box set called The Complete Package.
The Holiday Package
A Jake Davis Story
Book 1
Ten days.
The Cayman Islands.
A holiday trip to forget the woman I lost.
Suddenly, I’m face to face with the sassiest and hardest of women, who may be able to make me forget all I left behind.
And I want her!
This vacation is about moving on.
The saucy little ginger flaunting her perfect curvy body in her next to nothing bikinis can be the distraction I need to forget it all.
Her fire and brimstone attitude leaves me in constant arousal.
And she proposes a holiday affair, one I gladly accept knowing this is a hell of a risk to my already floundering heart.
But in the end, will I be able to say goodbye?
The Sweetest Package
A Jake Davis Story
Book 2
Ten days was all we had.
It was supposed to be casual; just sex.
Hell, the best laid plans were blown to pieces
as I found myself watching my heart drive away.
Sure, I let her go, but I’ve not been the same since she’s been gone.
How can my heart beat so differently for a man I knew only for eight days?
He let me go. Sure, I could have stuck around to fight for him.
I should have. Hell, I wanted to.
But then I understood what true love really means and I had to choose.
Now I am back, immersed in his life.
Can he accept everything I’ve done in the name of love?
Kindle Unlimited
Leigh Lennon is a mother, veteran and a wife of a cancer survivor. Originally with a degree in education, she started writing as an outlet that has led to a deep passion. She lugs her computer with her as she crafts her next story. Her imaginary friends become real on her pages as she creates a world for them. She loves pretty nails, spikey hair and large earrings. Leigh can be found drinking coffee or wine, depending on the time of the day.
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