Title: Bleed for Her
Series: A Steele Raiders MC Novel
Author: RB Hilliard
Genre: MC Romance

Clay Buckson has carved out a new life for himself. As a member of Steele Raiders MC, he has everything he’s ever wanted, except for the one woman he can’t have—Reynolds Walker. When his world threatens to destroy hers, he has no choice but to step in. Can he save her before it’s too late, or will he lose her again forever?
Sometimes you have to fight for love, but sometimes you have to bleed for it.
Let's start off by saying this is a first time author for us and we really enjoyed our first read by them.
This story started right off with a bang and preceded to be action packed and intriguing to the very end.
Reyn was a character who was fun,sassy,a little bit broken but, also a women who suffered so much pain it made her into a strong and independent women but, also one who has closed off her heart and its going to take an amazing man who is up to the challenge to break those walls down she as built around her.
Buck was a character you fell instantly in love with .We loved his protective instincts and brawn and how he showed us his softer side but, we also saw just how deadly he could be but, the perfect match for Reyn in every way.
Reyn and Buck's chemistry was off the charts from the moment they meet again they were both drawn to each other life a moth to a flame. "Smokin hot together !"
What we loved most of all we saw both of these characters evolved Reyn even more so as Reyn actually started healing from her past and was becoming more and more the women Buck used to know.
We loved the plot as it kept you interested and intrigued and was a bit of a mystery to the very end.We also loved the characters and we are so looking forward to getting to know them better next time around.
Recommend read to all !

This was where things got tricky. Buck knew he could offer up a spare room, but that wasn’t going to happen. He wanted her in his bed. He wasn’t kidding himself. He knew nothing was going to happen between them— at least not tonight— but that didn’t stop him from wanting her there. Reyn eyed him warily. Pushing back from the stool he’d been sitting on, Buck stood. His eyes locked on hers and he held out his hand. “Come.” As if sensing a predator in her midst, she took a step back. “I can sleep on the sofa,” she stuttered. Her words irritated him. Hell , her actions irritated him, and Buck was sick and tired of feeling irritated. “You can, but there’s no telling what’s on that sofa.” Her nose turned up as she slowly digested his meaning. He arched a questioning brow. “Still want to sleep there?”“No, but you’re not sleeping in the bed with me,” she shot back at him. He hated to admit it, but her words and the way in which she’d said them— as if she’d rather sleep with a piece of shit than with him—stung. Buck lashed back at her. “People are trying to help you, so you might want to check the attitude.” Dropping his hand, he brushed past her as he headed in the direction of his room. No, he definitely did not like the new Reyn . For all he cared she could sleep on the damn jizz-covered couch. The Cave reminded Buck of just that; a giant man-cave. The red-brick monstrosity was three stories tall. The basement had a large room where they held all of their meetings, plus three additional bedrooms, one of which belonged to Steele. It also held the security room which was Buck’s domain. The main floor held the living room, dining room, kitchen, game room, med room, and both Steele and Jake’s offices. Upstairs had five bedrooms, all with their own bathrooms, plus an additional living area. As Buck hit the stairs, he heard Reyn ask, “How big is this place?” Relieved that she’d chosen his bed instead of the sofa— Buck wasn’t lying. They called that thing “the cum couch” for a good reason —he answered, “Seven thousand square feet, give or take. ”“Do you and Ax live upstairs?” Him, Ax, Rider, and two others, he thought, but answered, “Yep.” The place was relatively empty, at least for a little while. Other than Steele, Goose, Cupcake, Loco, and whoever was boning in the game room, the rest of the club was with Jake trying to find who jumped Sledge’s ol’ lady. Buck expected them to roll in anytime now. He paused at the top of the stairs and waited for her to catch up. They passed by Ax and Rider’s rooms before coming to his. “This is my room,” he muttered as he ushered her inside. Reyn barely made it across the threshold when she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. Back stiffening, she turned and pierced him with a disgust-filled glare. Buck glanced past her to the bed, his eyes freezing on the figure curled beneath the covers. Motherfucker. He’d completely forgotten about Tara. In a tone filled with contempt, Reyn snarled, “On second thought, I’ll take that sofa after all.” And brushing past him, slammed the door loud enough to rattle the entire house. Buck walked over to the bed, slapped Tara on the ass, and told her it was time to go. Then he dropped his head back, stared at the ceiling . . . and smiled.

RB Hilliard lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband and two children. In 2012, she began writing His End Game, the first book in her MMG Series. Hilliard has not only published six books in this series, but has gone on to publish her hilariously funny Whisky’s novels, as well as her Rock Star Romance Series, Meltdown.
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