Title: Aiden
Series: The Grim Sinner's Motorcycle Club
Author: LeAnn Ashers
Genre: MC Romance
- File Size: 2850 KB
- Print Length: 171 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publication Date: August 19, 2019
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2019
Cover Photog: Wander Aguiar
Cover Model: Issac Dawson
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
arc copy provided for honest review
5 stars from us
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
arc copy provided for honest review
5 stars from us
From the day she came into my life, I knew I couldn’t walk away from this girl. She was beautiful, a light in this dark and messed up world, but I saw it in her eyes.
I saw the pain she carried, and in that moment, I made a promise.
Her demons would pay. All of them. They didn’t know what I was capable of or what my MC could do.
As I now look down at yet another lifeless body, I smile. I always keep my promises.
One more to go, and he’s the one I really want.
Lasts start off by saying that I really love this ongoing series and all its characters as they are all just awesome especially the women.
I just loved Aiden and fell even more head over heals in love with him this time around.I loved how he was a loving and caring and all around great dad to Reid and he was not afraid of expressing his love and affection for his son around people and other MC members. Found Aiden to be a big old softy but, in the next breath if you threatened someone he love he was down right scary and dangerous.
This was one funny read until things turned a bit dark. Aiden met his match in every way Gracie is just perfect for him and his son Reid they just fit and from the very beginning Gracie began falling for his son as well as him.Gracie has had a horrific childhood but, her demons never ruled her life she was sweet and kind and loving and beautiful inside and out and we absolutely loved her from the very beginning.
Overall we loved the story from beginning to end.The story had an amazing cast of characters who were funny, loving,protective,all alpha and times but, they were all about seeking justice for the horrors Gracie faced as a child.I loved that this time around the women got in on that action as well.
(The situations were down right hilarious!)
There was no doubt that these characters had some amazing chemistry going on in turn lead to a lot of hot a sexy times for the two of them.What I loved most about both Aiden and Gracie was how big there hearts were and how affectionate and loving they were toward their children and each other.I loved the amazing family they created for themselves as both characters were all so deserving of all the blessings and happiness that came their way.
"Love Love Loved it!"
Recommended read to all as well as the series.
“LeAnn Ashers always delivers a story that is endlessly sweet with women as bad@$# as their men and she definitely brought that with Aiden. This book will have you crying happy tears, full-on swooning and will most definitely be stealing your heart.” – Brittany, Red Hatter Book Blog
“Aiden and Gracie what a beautiful yet heartbreaking story, like all LeAnn's books, It just pulls you in and doesn’t let you go till you have well and truly finished. There will be tears, excitement, laughter, anger and wanting to beat the shit out people. It gives you all those feels.” – Karlie, Goodreads
“This is by far my favorite book by Leann to date. This book hit all my emotions. Aiden & Gracie were prefect together, & believe me, when you find out how they met, :swoon:. Never a dull moment when you have both MCs in one place, always great to see old friends. This series is always evolving & each one is perfection. It was a powerful book & I think will touch many people. You’re incredibly brave, lady!” – Sarah Armstrong, Goodreads
“Just finished reading. I relate to this book probably more than the others and let me just say Leann Asher outdid herself on this one... don’t know how that’s possible because I didn’t think she could get any better but she knocked it out of the park with this one. It had a little bit of everything in there. I cried, I laughed, I LOVED!!!” – Jackie, Goodreads
“Gracelyn.” He is looking at me in such a tender and beautiful way. “I would never hurt you, trust me.” He whispers the last part.
“I trust you, Aiden.” I touch the side of his face and, to show that I do, I sit up and take off my shirt. I don’t have a bra on.
“I will fucking cherish your trust, baby. Let me love you. I know you’re scared, I can see it in your eyes, but being afraid of me is something you never have to be. I will protect you, cherish you, and take care of you.”
With the back of my hand, I wipe the tears off my face. I know I seem like such a baby, but being hurt by the person who is supposed to protect you more than any other—it hurts right to your core. I’ve been failed by so many people, and I expect it from everyone.
“I don’t deserve you,” I whisper, feeling this from the bottom of my heart.
He looks genuinely shocked. “Don’t ever fucking say that. You deserve the fucking world, baby, and I plan on handing it to you.”
LeAnn Ashers is a blogger-turned-author who spends her days reading and writing. She released her debut novel early 2016, and can't wait to see where this adventure continues to take her. LeAnn enjoys writing about strong-minded females and swoon-worthy, protective alpha males who love their women unconditionally.
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