Title: Burndown
Series: Nitro Crew Series #1
Author: Winter Travers
Genre: Contemporary Sports Romance
- File Size: 2382 KB
- Print Length: 359 pages
- Publication Date: May 29, 2018
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
5 stars from us
Arc copy provided for honest review

He knows how to get your motor running...
Remy is good with his hands. So good, that if it has wheels and an engine, he's your guy.
Being a master mechanic on a NHRA pit crew is his dream come true. Nothing can take that away from him.
At least that's what he thinks...
When a new girl rolls in to town, all bets are off.
Will Remy lose it all just to get the girl?
We are really enjoying this author's stories and I have to say we really enjoyed her Nitro Crew Series.The series itself was pure enjoyment and brought us tons of laughs.
One thing we are loving about this series is its character's and I have to say that we have never really read any sport romance reads before so this was a refreshing change we really enjoyed.
I loved both of the main character's Remy and Harlyn. Remy was a hoot he made me laugh time and time again ."I pictured him having one of those sexy swaggers lol!"
Harlyn she was just a sweetheart and sweet ,kind, funny,vibrant and beautiful and loving and anyone meeting her for the first time could not help but love her.
Remy was sexy as sin,funny,sweet,aggressive,possessive and he had this larger than life personality that we so loved so much
I love a story like this with a little bit of a twist as it makes it more fun to read where the couple starts out dating without realizing that they will have more in common then they even realize which turns in to surprising them both and complicating matters between them.I will say from the moment we meet Haryln I new I was going to love her as she was just going to make us laugh time and time again as I just got the feeling she was going to be one of those gals who tells it like it is and then some.
I love this author but, I have to say that I had not read a lot of sports romance reads but, I am really glad that I gave this series a chance because it was really a lot of fun and I loved the first installment as it just drew us in and gave of the ins and outs of being a pit grew for a drag racer but, most of all the wonderful friendships that developed being part of that crew.
The romance between both Remy and Harlyn was sweet and affectionate and the chemistry was definitely there. These two made a really great couple and complimented one another as they were pretty much one in the same. One thing about the men is this series and Jay himself is when the men fall they fall hard and quick.The man take what the want and claim their women quickly."My kind of guy."
I really enjoyed the plot and the story as well as all the amazing character's like Meg,Frankie,Harlyn these character's make you laugh out loud the entire story. The story made us laugh and be sad in the fact Harlyn struggled with her upbringing and had some drama and a few surprises to keep us engrossed and turning the pages from beginning to end."We loved it!"

Winter spends her days writing happily ever afters, and her nights zipping around on her forklift at work. She also has an addiction to anything MC related, her dog Thunder, and Mexican food! (Tamales!)
Winter loves to stay connected with her readers. Don’t hesitate to reach out and contact her.
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