Title: Devils with Halos
Series: Malignant #1
Author: Natalie Bennett
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: November 5, 2018
1. Malevolent
2. Very virulent or infectious.
Charm is deceptive.
We were taken in the middle of the night.
Beauty is deceitful.
They called it an institution for the diseased.
Freedom is an illusion.
Our choices were no longer our own.
Our bodies became their exclusive property.
Our lives no longer mattered.
Survival is subjective.
We’d all done terrible things.
We all had demons.
We all had secrets.
And the truth would destroy everything.
Natalie Bennett is the creator of erotic stories that always come with a warning label. She writes about depraved alpha a**holes and women that love to hate them. Her books don't follow any specific tropes, have no set word counts, and tend to deviate from traditional HEA's.
When she isn't in front of her computer she's spending time with her husband and their three little boys.
Natalie is an avid fan of caramel frappes, horror movies, Shameless, and of course, reading.
You can find Natalie on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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