Title: Dear Diamond
Author: Stephie Walls
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release: November 17, 2018
One unfortunate decision had bought me a life sentence, serving time alongside the gang I’d worked years to avoid. My affiliation with Union 21 had wreaked havoc all around me.
Then came Diamond.
In a world filled with neon-pink lights, glitter, and rhinestones, she was a flawless gem. While she didn’t realize her worth, I recognized her value—priceless.
I’d stop at nothing to have her, even if that meant going against the most powerful drug lord around.
Friends come and go, but Diamond is forever.
Buy Links:
Amazon US: www.amazon.com/dp/B07KNMFBPM
Amazon UK: www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07KNMFBPM
Amazon CA: www.amazon.ca/dp/B07KNMFBPM
Amazon AU: www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07KNMFBPM
Author Bio:
Bestselling author, Stephie Walls has lived all over the country but has made Greenville, South Carolina her home for the last 25 years. She has a serious addiction to anything Coach and would live on Starbucks if she could get away with it. If you follow her on Facebook, you'll also find that she's slightly enamored with Charlie Hunnam, Instagram ads, and Google Doodles.
Stephie is an avid reader (literary whore to be more precise) averaging around 300 novels a year. She has a penchant for great love stories, sensual poetry, and is a romantic at heart. Her love affair with real-life romance spurred her own drive to create contemporary fiction and pursue her dream.
Social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stephiewalls2014
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/StephieWalls
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/StephieWalls
Amazon: amazon.com/author/stephiewalls
Website: https://www.stephiewalls.com/
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