Title: Unleashed
Series: Devil's Reach Book 3
Author: J.L. Drake
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: October 30, 2018
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Arc Copy provided for honest review
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars from us
Arc Copy provided for honest review
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars from us

Tess was under the Devil’s watch
while I suffered behind bars with my demons…
The ace in my pocket brings power,
and the temptation to flip overwhelms me.
I’m playing chicken with the reaper, and it’s only feeding his thirst.
The smell of blood is a drug. It fuels me. Consumes me.
I am lost.
The Devil stole me, but I refuse to belong to someone else.
I’m a fighter.
I will do whatever it takes to get back to my family.
Treachery and betrayal surround us.
The only way out is to turn the greatest loss
into the greatest victory.

Trigger and Tess
Omg! I am loving this series and I hated to see it all end so soon.The author did and amazing job of tying up loose ends.The author took us on an amazing ride and we loved it.
This current story I loved cover to cover and everything in between.The story had so many twists, and turns and the constant drama is what kept you glued to the pages the entire time.
Tess and Trigger are a explosive couple. OMG! Them together scorched the pages Hot Hot Hot Hotter !Their sexual escapades super hot ,volatile yet sweet! I love when she always says "Flip" to him and I laugh every time because you never know what is going to happen next."I would call them a power couple Biker Style."
I loved Tess and Trigger as a couple as they are just perfect for one another both understands each other.Tess is tough as nails ,prickly even but, yet everyone loves her.Beneath Tess's armor lays the heart of gold loving,caring,selfless women.Tess loves all and protects all and would at anytime give her life to save anyone she loved and considered her family.I love how Tess accepts Trigger for how he is and accepts all his faults yet loves him more in spite of them.Tess is the only one who can handle the monster within Trigger.Trigger scares me shit**** but not Tess ! lol
Gus to Tess
Favorite Quote-
“You’re the best thing to ever walk into my sons’ lives.”
Trigger to Tess
Favorite Quote
“I’ve got a jacked-up life and a seriously dysfunctional family, but you came in and made your mark, not just with me, but with everyone.”
Trigger that is one dangerous man.Dark aura surrounds him all the time.Trigger doesn't need to carry a sign around his neck saying "Danger Beware" because one look is all it takes to already know.I loved the way he loves Tess.I wish I could say that she brings out the softer side of him but,it doesn't exists.Tess however has changed him in the fact she makes him feel.I loved that they love so deeply that they would give their life for each other.I loved how Triggers protective instincts takes over when it comes to Tess and he is protective of her but, he will never own her.Tess will not be owned but,will be your partner in all things and always have your back.What Trigger feels for Tess his pretty much what she feels for him.Perfect ! "No Soul mates!"
The story keeps you on edge the entire time so much is happening all around the characters and the club.The suspense is killing me! I love how Tess every now and then breaks things up a bit and has us laughing up a storm and her latest antics had us laughing out loud.
I love how the story took on some twists and turns and we even saw secrets come to life this time around but, what I loved most of all was both Tess and Trigger finally were about to lay their demons to rest.
We loved the story and its characters and I will say they will be missed.This story and also the series is not for the faint of heart readers.The stories are gritty ,very Dark, Erotic,Engaging and the characters are Dark Dangerous,Volatile.
I am a big fan of this authors and this series as it has made it to the top of my list of favorite series for 2018.I am hoping that this author continues to create another series to fall in love in within the MC gene again as she definitely has a knack for writing them.
Rail a favorite character of ours!
Quote-“I can’t be someone’s bitch.” Rail’s high-pitched voice piped in from the corner. “I have limits.”
Quote-“Come on, Rail, you nailed that cougar from the gym in a Goodwill parking lot last month.” Brick shook his head. “You have no limits.”“Ah, yeah, that’s right.” Rail chuckled. “She was a freak.”
Love Love Love Loved it!
A personal note: This is a series that needs to be read in order and although the story does end on a cliffhanger all the books are connected by one common tread and is a on going story all the way to the conclusion of the series.I personally read the series all at once and I am glad I did because the moment I finished one book I started onto the next.

Great start to a new amazing series!
Some of our new cast:
Cooper,Rail,Brick,Gus,Tess aka Tiger,Peggy,Minnie,Ty,Jace,Morgan,
Big Joe
Let's start off by saying this is a new author for me and I loved this story from cover to cover but, "I absolutely HATE reading books with cliffhangers !"
I loved this new MC romance from cover to cover as the story had wonderful characters all very complicated in their own right.Once I started reading the story I was fully enmeshed in it from the very beginning to the very end and never put it down.
I always pick a favorite character in the story to rave about and my choice this time around is going to be Tess.OMG! I loved her what a feisty fireball she was with a huge sense of humor,she was full of spunk,she was sexy,mouthy,had a backbone made of steel,and pure enjoyment to read about.Although Tess is all those things she is haunted by her past as well as being heartbroken and dead inside (a heart of Ice) her beliefs not mine I only saw a survivor and a strong and amazing women to be admired.I loved learning about what brought Tess to the Devil Reach MC Clubhouse.Tess's story was heart wrenching and made me want to cry when I heard it .My heart broke for her and everything she had to go through and deal in her very short life so far.I don't know how she survived it all really.Perhaps Brick helped with that he was Tess's bleak life and I am so glad that she found some kind of solace with her among her chaotic loveless life.A 18 year friendship that lasted the test of time and circumstances.I love their friendship as they were like brother and sister but, so much more.
Trigger OMG! I man with layers! I have to say this man frightened even me,I found him to be tall,dark,handsome,dangerous,protective,overbearing,also a killer,and also love-able at the same time."Does that make sense?"You have to get to know the broken man first but, once you see how he is with his nephew Fin and Tess you will see for yourself.There is a loving and caring man below the surface even though he thinks he is dead inside but, we see rare glimpses of the heart beating within his chest.Trigger is a character you love to hate but, he makes it impossible not to love this broken man.Circumstances made the Trigger the man we have grown to love but, at the same time I wished he would find just a sliver of happiness for just once in is horrible life."When I say horrible it's beyond anything you can imagine."I believe Tess to be his savior and he hers.Two broken souls find solace in one another.As the pages turned and the story unfolded it seemed that Tess and Trigger became lighter and less tense and perhaps were finally grasping a bit of happiness that each haven't felt in a very long time."I loved seeing how they were with one another."Awe.......I thought these two people were meant for one another perhaps, not to heal bought to offer a peace of solace for one another.
Trigger and Tess's chemistry was of the charts.Holy fanning! Hot Hot hotter ! Their sexual encounters were hot as hell!
"I want some of that bad boy myself."
Holy smokes! Flip your switch for me Trigger! LOL
Overall we loved everything about the story.
We loved the characters,the drama,the mystery,suspense,danger,betrayals and of course the romance.I loved hearing Tess's and Triggers tragic stories of their upbringing lost loves my heart broken for the unfairness life dealt them both.
"It broke my heart time and time again."I loved the climatic ending even though "I hate cliffhangers!"I could not wait to dive into book two and did just that and read that story from beginning to end in one sitting yet again.Love Love Loved it!
Personal note: Ms Drake has gained a new fan of her works.
When is the next release?
I can't wait !
5 stars from us

Another great read in this ongoing series it was totally awesome !
Some of our new cast:
Cooper,Rail,Brick,Gus,Tess aka Tiger,Peggy,Minnie,Ty,Jace,Morgan,
Big Joe
Let's start off by saying this is a new author for me and I loved this story from cover to cover but, "I absolutely HATE reading books with cliffhangers !"
I loved this new MC romance from cover to cover as the story had wonderful characters all very complicated in their own right.Once I started reading the story I was fully enmeshed in it from the very beginning to the very end and never put it down.
OMG! So much went on in this current story and Tess and Trigger got more in touch with their emotions and feelings for each other.More and more intrigue mystery,betrayals and more secrets coming to life and exacting revenge to the wrong dealt to one who didn't suffer nearly enough.
I have say that this story was very intense,nail bitting,and on the seat of your pant's kind of story.My heart pounded the entire time reading all the while waiting for the ball to drop.The anticipation at waiting to get answers to questions like who is the mole? What is Trigger's dad up to ?What is Allen's end game?Where does Tess fit in?So on and so forth....
Omg ! Did we get some answers and then some.I think my heart stopped beating for a minute and my mouth hung open for sometime.I can say that I was indeed shocked but, more floored then anything else."I was totally taken my surprise?" We got a whole lot more then we bargained for and a whole lot more of unanswered questions yet again.An Awesome ending that left you wanting more.A intense read that was filled with one betrayal after another.My first thought was will Tess ever catch a break at all once in her life as she has grasped some good in her life for the first time an then again it's snatched away.Life is so unfair....
I always pick a favorite character in the story to rave about and my choice this time around is going to be Tess.OMG! I loved her what a feisty fireball she was with a huge sense of humor,she was full of spunk,she was sexy,mouthy,had a backbone made of steel,and pure enjoyment to read about.Although Tess is all those things she is haunted by her past as well as being heartbroken and dead inside (a heart of Ice) her beliefs not mine I only saw a survivor and a strong and amazing women to be admired.I loved learning about what brought Tess to the Devil Reach MC Clubhouse.Tess's story was heart wrenching and made me want to cry when I heard it .My heart broke for her and everything she had to go through and deal in her very short life so far.I don't know how she survived it all really.Perhaps Brick helped with that he was Tess's bleak life and I am so glad that she found some kind of solace with her among her chaotic loveless life.A 18 year friendship that lasted the test of time and circumstances.I love their friendship as they were like brother and sister but, so much more.
Favorite Scene # 1
The birthday present Trigger gives to Tess.I have to say this present says "I love you!" whether Trigger acknowledged his heart or not.I loved how he making a dream come true for Tess.
Favorite Scene #2
Tess and Fins sleepover.
"A heart warming moment for me!"
Favorite Scene #3
"OMG ! I laughed so hard and I loved it.
Favorite scene #4
Tess and Trigger's talk before the fight started.
"A heart melting moment for me!"
Trigger OMG! I man with layers! I have to say this man frightened even me,I found him to be tall,dark,handsome,dangerous,protective,overbearing,also a killer,and also love-able at the same time."Does that make sense?"You have to get to know the broken man first but, once you see how he is with his nephew Fin and Tess you will see for yourself.There is a loving and caring man below the surface even though he thinks he is dead inside but, we see rare glimpses of the heart beating within his chest.Trigger is a character you love to hate but, he makes it impossible not to love this broken man.Circumstances made the Trigger the man we have grown to love but, at the same time I wished he would find just a sliver of happiness for just once in is horrible life."When I say horrible it's beyond anything you can imagine."I believe Tess to be his savior and he hers.Two broken souls find solace in one another.As the pages turned and the story unfolded it seemed that Tess and Trigger became lighter and less tense and perhaps were finally grasping a bit of happiness that each haven't felt in a very long time."I loved seeing how they were with one another."Awe.......I thought these two people were meant for one another perhaps, not to heal bought to offer a peace of solace for one another.
Trigger and Tess's chemistry was of the charts.Holy fanning! Hot Hot hotter ! Their sexual encounters were hot as hell!
"I want some of that bad boy myself."
Holy smokes! Flip your switch for me Trigger! LOL
I love when you can connect with the characters that you read about and I did just that.I love when this happens because I know I am going to love the story I am about to read.
I love when you can connect with the characters that you read about and I did just that.I love when this happens because I know I am going to love the story I am about to read.
Overall we love love loved it and everything about the story.
We loved the characters both light and dark,the drama,the mystery,suspense,danger,betrayals and of course the romance.
The story broke my heart time and time again.I loved the climatic ending even though "I hate cliffhangers!"I could not wait to dive into book but, we have to wait.
Personal note: Ms Drake has gained a new fan of her works.
When is the next release?
I can't wait !
5 stars from us

When she’s not writing, she loves to spend time with her family, traveling or just enjoying a night at home. One thing you might notice in her books is her love for the four seasons. Growing up on the east coast of Canada the change in the seasons is in her blood and is often mentioned in her writing.
An avid reader of James Patterson, J.L. Drake has often found herself inspired by his many stories of mystery and intrigue.
She hopes you will enjoy her stories as much as she has enjoyed writing them.
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