
Friday, October 26, 2018

Book Review for Penance by K.E. Osborn


Title : Penance 
Series: The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 2
Author: KE Osborn
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: July 22, 2018 
Cover Design: Kellie Dennis from Book Cover by Design
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars
Purchased copy for review

I'm not sure how it happened.
The way the cord of life can splinter and snap without warning.

My family—in hiding from the Japanese Yakuza.
My club—at war with the very organization my family is hiding from.

Though, amidst the chaos, there is one shining light.
A Spanner in the works.
A woman who’s not only the complete opposite of me, and everything I stand for, but a woman who my parents should frown upon. 
She’s brash, where I am guarded. We shouldn't work.

This story isn't about a dynasty reuniting and mending old wounds—it's betrayal, deception, conflict and turmoil.

Bloodshed—it's coming.

Who will pay the ultimate penance?

Sensei and Ayla/Spanner's Story

This story had so many moments throughout the story that made me laugh out loud.I love that in a story.

I loved the story from cover to cover. Ayla/Spanner she was the perfect match for Sensei in every way. I loved how easy and fun their courtship was.I loved how Spanner was the instigator of their so called courtship. (LOL) her antics were priceless!

I loved seeing Sensei struggle with his emotions just in the fact that he was such a control freak and that he never had the upper hand when dealing with Spanner and their relationship.

The story was really funny,super suspenseful and had so much going on in the club at the time that it kept you engrossed in the pages.

Favorite character would be Spanner.Ayla/spanner just made me laugh the entire story.Not only was Spanner tough as nails and that she had an amazing personality but, she also had those little insecurities all women have. (to me this showed us the softer side of her personality)

I loved Spanner and Sensei and the relationships they had with their families.Loved their Super Hot Sexy Scenes! I also loved more that one of those OMG! moments throughout the story.

Some favorite quotes

“Thank you, Father. You have taught me well.” My father steps up to me and places his hand on my shoulder supportively. “Your training has come a long way, but you still have much to learn. You are young, only sixteen, but with me guiding you, teaching you, you can master anything.”“I know, Father. You are the best trainer… I am grateful to have you.”

“Why do they call you Spanner?” She snorts rolling her eyes like she’s had to tell this story a thousand times. “So I’m pretty sure you know Smokin’ Joe’s all Australian. Back in the land down under they call wrenches, spanners.

She looks at me with a smirk. “It’s fuc***. Scopata. Baisée. Gefickt. Jodido. Körd… comprende?” Hearing her say fuc*** in five different languages with such fluidity and ease has my body working overtime keeping itself together. This woman might look like a firecracker, a tough nut who only works as a mechanic and knows nothing other than engines, but I can tell just from that little display, she’s smart despite what her looks tell me about her.

“My baby’s gonna be recycled?” He groans but slowly nods his head. “I guess it’s like her being a fucking organ donor.”

“So… your real name is Raiden?” He nods. “Hmm… Japanese God of Thunder and Lightning, it suits you.”

“Getting to this point has been fuc**** rough, but you make it all worth it. Raiden… I know it’s quick, but… I love you.”

I thoroughly enjoyed this story and I am loving this series as well.

Other Reviews in the series !

Trax & Mylee's Story

This is a story that is quite different from anything I have ever read before as one of the main characters in this story has a mental condition called bi-polar.As the story progresses we learn more and more about the condition and how one goes about  medicating and how one deals with the on going condition like this.I myself didn't know much about the condition but, by the end of the story I learned a thing or two about the condition so this story turned into a learning experience as well and we love that!

I have to say that I am really loving this series so far.Each and every story so far for me has been amazing and we have a soft spot for Sensei as the stories continue.This current story was just as amazing.

Mylee & Trax have a history but, due to circumstances they parted ways years ago but, through all the heartache and pain it brought both of them one thing that remained true and strong and that was the love they bore each other and even time didn't diminish it. I love a love story like this because it engages your heart and has you rooting for the couple from the onset of the story on whether they will be able to make it work this time around." I am such a sap." lol

I loved a story like this because due to the complications that this couples has to deal with daily because of Mylee's condition the story was riddled with tons of up and downs as well as hurtles to overcome  making things even more interesting and engrossing to keep you clued to the pages. What is heart melting is that Trax promises to be there every step of the way.We love all the make up sex that is to come. 

Laughs & Giggles 

Omg ! This bada** made me melt in the way he cared,loved,and how he dealt with Mylee on a daily basis.You saw just how much he loved her in everything he did for her and was there for her when she needed her.


This romance story started off really rocky with hurt feelings, heartbreak and some of those feelings were the love\hate kind so we new we were in for one heck of a ride.I loved how far someone is willing to go such lengths to protect the one they love by sacrificing their own happiness so that the one they love can have the happiness they think they deserve.The story took us on one heck of a journey and as a reader the story was filled with tons of emotion and in this story it could not help but touch your heart.I had so many awe moments and sheds some tears along the way.

One of the things I loved most about this story is how protective the men are of their women.

I found Mylee to be warm,funny,love-able,strong ,and she had a heart of gold.This women surprised me at every turn never giving us a dull moment.

In Trax I loved that he was jealous and we loved his protective instincts and I thought he was one he** of a bada**,totally hot,love-able and a little bit of a caveman.

Definitely swoon worthy lol!

Overall me loved the story from cover to cover.The story had tons of drama and more than a few Omg! moments and more than a few twists and turns and a really sweet romance that will alway stand the test of time."We loved it!"I also loved that the story started off with even more complications because Mylee belonged to another club that he father was the President of so that revved up even more drama from the very beginning .Lol

Some favorite quotes

“Then what do you care about?” He tilts his head like he’s shocked I don’t understand. “You… I don’t want you latching onto Ace.”

You better find some pep, baby, because I’m only just starting with you,” he warns then throws me down onto the mattress.
There’s my dominant man.
I love you... I’ve never stopped.”
“I never stopped loving you either.”

The love of my life. The man of my dreams. The man who took me in, without hesitation, even with all my faults.

A recommend read to all as well as the entire series!

Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she felt compelled to write the story brewing in her mind.

Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry and get completely enveloped in the characters and their story lines. She feels completely at home when writing and wouldn’t consider doing anything else.