Title: Unexpected Allies
Series: The Tokhan Bratva Book 1
Author: Peyton Banks
Genre: Contemporary/Mafia Romance
Release Date: March 13, 2018
She was a bad b*tch—Her name sparked fear in those that had the nerve to run from her. Mila Petrovna was a soldier in the Tokhan Bratva, the most powerful crime family in New York City, run by her brother. She collected debts on behalf of her brother and the Bratva. It was Mila who ensured that the Bratva had deadly soldiers to fight. But who would be there to ensure that she was protected?
He’d had his eyes on her for a while. He knew that he shouldn’t want her but he was drawn to her. She was the sister of his rival and that should have meant that she would be off limits. Kole Bozovic was a man who knew what he wanted and went after it. After a brief meeting, he made the decision—she would be his.
The two were thrown together in the middle of a war and lines would be drawn. He’d laid a claim on her and no one would take what was his, even if they tried. War made one realize that some things were best left in the past. If they were to survive, they would have to work together.
Reviews: 5 star review from Mary S. on Goodreads . "Wow what a way to start with a new series."
5 stars review from Mindy M. on Goodreads "I love mafia books and this one didn't disappoint. "
Peyton Banks is the alter ego of a city girl who is a romantic at heart. Her mornings consist of coffee and daydreaming up the next steamy romance book ideas. She loves spinning romantic tales of hot alpha males and the women they love. She currently resides with her husband and children in Cleveland, Ohio.
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