Series: Hail Raisers #5
Author: Lani Lynn Vale
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: January 11, 2018
Reviewed by: Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars
Reviewed by: Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars

iScream Book Blog - “I have such a weakness for damaged, broken, bad boys and his story really has me tied in knots.”
A Small Girl, Her Man, and her Books - “GAH! Just when i think i've figured out my favourite Lani Lynn Vale novel, she releases another book that makes me rethink the whole thing.”
Cat’s Guilty Pleasures - “It had just the right amount of heartache and heartwarming moments.”

Get out!
He yelled those words at the love of his life twelve years ago, and to this day, Reed Hail regrets them. He’s always been the type of person to speak before he thinks, and apologies have never come easy.
It’s been over a decade since she was his, and he stubbornly thinks that he can keep on living without her.
He couldn’t be more wrong.
The last thing he needs is her vagina anywhere near his exam table. But nobody ever asks him what he wants.
Maybe he should’ve gone into the auto-recovery business after all.
I hate you.
Krisney Shaw would take those words back in a heartbeat if she could. In fact, she would take back everything.
Never meeting him would be the perfect place to start. The memory of Reed Hail haunts her—morning, noon, and night. Then, to add insult to injury, she has to see him being happy while she’s breaking a little more inside every single day.
Reed Hail is her worst nightmare because she’s constantly reminded of exactly what she’s missing—the other half of her soul.
Just when she thinks things can’t get worse, she’s sees his sexy, bearded face over the top of her paper gown, and she’s lost all over again.
Don’t ever let me go.
Both Reed and Krisney are determined to avoid each other. They do a great job of it, too…not.
One ill-timed gynecological exam changes everything. One single second in time shows Reed what he’s missing—literally and figuratively—and suddenly he’s back at square one.
The only problem with being back at square one? He won’t be able to leave her a second time.
Especially since the first time around he didn’t have a child with her to consider.
Reed and Krisney their story...
Another great tale by this amazing author. I have to say that I really don't read a lot of second-chance romances like this one but, I really should as I liked seeing how old loves find their way back to one another. For me, this was a really sad story that caused two people who were soul-mates to separate due to someone else's actions which caused a family loss, pain, and suffering.
I always pick a favorite character in a story that I am currently reading and mine this time around is going to be Krisney. Why you ask? There were just so many things that I loved about her character. I found her to be smart, sassy, sexy, determined someone loved with her whole heart funny, and someone who emotionally suffered much yet never left her broken just more determined and furiously independent. I loved how once she gave her heart to Reed there was no turning back for her he was her one true love and always would be. She tries to move on but, the heart wants what it wants and she chooses to stay true to Reed even though they are apart and have no future for one another. If Krisney was not able to have the one she wanted she chose to go it alone and take comfort in her memories. This just proves that once you find your soulmate there is truly no room for another in your heart foolish or not but, I found it quite endearing.
Reed Hail on the other hand I had mixed feelings about his character. Reed was the type of character that you love and dislike at the same time. I love how fiercely he loves Krisney in the now and always. Even though he loves her this much he continues to break her heart even after all these years. You understand why he felt the need to give her up in the first place but, as the story progresses we learn that he never truly gave her up just continued to love her behind the scenes yet refuses to create a life together now even after 12 years have passed. Reed was just a frustrating character that you just wanted to smack him upside of his head and tell him what a fool he was as so many never even have a taste of what he had with Krisney. It took almost losing the woman he loved since high school and his family to see what was right in front of him all along and now it's too late...
I enjoyed the story and its character especially when a couple love so fiercely and I loved being on Reed and Krisney's finding their way back to one another. The chemistry this couple had toward one another was fierce and loving and hot as hell. When this couple was in a room together you felt the heat and sizzle.
My favorite scene has to be Reed's confession of his love for Krisney in the hospital and it somewhat redeemed himself in my eyes.
My final thoughts
I loved both characters from the onset and no matter what their obstacles were there was no doubt they belonged together and they were and always had been the perfect soul-mate for one another. They had me rooting for their happiness throughout the entire story hoping that the dreams that they once had would become a reality. Even though I enjoyed these characters at the same time I felt they were a bit disconnected. I am not sure this is the correct word but, this is why I feel that way. This story had a tragic event that caused this couple to split and come between them but, It was Reed's words that sent her away. When fate brings them together again their first meeting is explosive and you see that the love they once shared is still there. Even though Reed is back in Krisney's life he remains emotionally detached from her but not physically. He loves her still yet is still determined not to have a future with her, yet can't stay away and it is hurting Krisney in the process. When the time has finally run out and it's too late for them now he wants a future with her. My favorite scene is where I should have been crying up a storm but, I was not. This was the type of story that should have tugged at your heartstrings in a big way and it did in some ways because you felt the loneliness and sadness they both experienced but, I never felt myself well up and cry or feel like crying and this story had more than one opportunity to make you do that. I guess what I am saying is that I wished that the story had moved me to tears at some point throughout the story. This is just something I felt was missing for me that is all and that does not mean that it still wasn't a great story as I did enjoy it very much.
I loved that Dante made an appearance with Mary and that he is taking the steps to come out of the darkness and into the light again and perhaps we will get to hear his story very soon.
Another enjoyable read and we are so enjoying this series and would recommend it and any other books by this author as all the ones we have read so far have been great reads.
And Oh! I love that Rafe remains a mystery...

Routine. Just routine.
Yeah, right.
I knew this was going to be bad. I knew that I was about to do one of the stupidest things in the world.
Yet, that didn't stop me from entering the infirmary.
Every year we were required to see the doctor for an annual health evaluation. Mine was due two months ago, and I'd purposefully gotten out of it.
I'd tried to get out of this one, too. However, my superior looked at me, grinned that evil grin of hers, and told me in no uncertain terms if I didn't do it, I'd be relegated to desk duty for the foreseeable future.
She knew I hated desk duty.
Talking to people wasn’t my forte.
And now I was here.
Going into the one place that I knew I shouldn't be going.
The clinic in town was normally off limits.
The clinic near the base had an older than dirt male doctor that I was fairly sure was a pervert who kept working because he didn't get to see pussy that young anymore.
However, knowing that the old doc was off on the weekends, and Reed volunteered there for all the ladies that didn’t want to risk it with the pervert doc, led me to where I was today.
Where I knew he was.
Shit. Damn. Fuck.
I’d gone to Germany to get away from him. He’d been assigned to the same base within a month of my arrival.
It might’ve been a coincidence, but I knew it probably wasn’t.
He did it on purpose. Just to watch me squirm.
I swung open the glass door, waved at the secretary who I knew but whose name I couldn't remember, and signed in.
"He's running about thirty minutes behind," the secretary said as she took my information. "I'll tell the ladies that you're here, though. You can go on back. The nurse will put you in a room.”
Of course he was, because the motherfucker liked to talk.
I walked back, met the nurse, and she guided me into a room.
“Here’s the paper gown. You can go ahead and change here behind the screen.” The nurse smiled. “The part goes in the front.”
I refrained from flipping her off.
I knew which fucking part went in the front. I wasn’t a dumbass.
“Thanks,” I muttered.
I waited until she was completely out of the room before I changed, making sure the screen was completely covering every square inch of my body before I stripped my shirt off.
My pants went next, then my bra, and my underwear.
After slipping on the stupid gown—part in front—I folded the clothes precisely in on themselves, making sure that my underwear and bra were neatly tucked into my shirt before rolling my pants around the shirt.
I did not want him to see my underthings.
No sir-ree.
He was already going to see my breasts and vagina today. I didn’t want him to see that I wore the sexy underthings for some stupid reason.
Growling to myself, I picked up my phone and blasted off a text to my best friend.
She was probably asleep, but she’d answer when she woke up.
Somebody needed to be witness to this train wreck.
Might as well be Hennessy.
Hail No (Hail Raisers #1) - AVAILABLE NOW
Go To Hail (Hail Raisers #2) - AVAILABLE NOW
Burn in Hail (Hail Raisers #3) - AVAILABLE NOW
What the Hail (Hail Raisers #4) - AVAILABLE NOW
Hail Mary (Hail Raisers #6) - PREORDER 2/9
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