
Wednesday, December 6, 2017



The Prophet and the Witch
by James W. George 
GENRE: Historical Fiction

Puritans. Quakers. Pirates. Mohawks. Witches. And a brutal war…

If you thought New England was dull in the 1670s, get ready for a history lesson.

In the critically acclaimed “My Father’s Kingdom,” debut author James W. George transported his readers to 1671 New England, and the world of Reverend Israel Brewster. It was a world of faith, virtue, and love, but it was also a world of treachery, hatred, and murder.

Four years later, Brewster is a disgraced outcast, residing in Providence and working as a humble cooper. Despite his best efforts, war could not be averted, and now, “King Philip’s War” has begun.

The rebellion is led by Metacomet, known as “King Philip” to the English colonists. He is the tormented son of the great Massasoit, and leader of the Wampanoag nation. Once the most reliable of Plymouth Colony’s allies, they are now the bitterest of enemies. Meanwhile, Metacomet’s mysterious counselor, Linto, despises this war and will do anything to end the bloodshed.

Meticulously researched, “The Prophet and the Witch” is a tale of hope and brotherhood in the face of evil and violence. It features the remarkable cast of fictional and historical characters from book one, including Josiah Winslow, Linto, Increase Mather, Constance Wilder, and Jeremiah Barron. Additionally, new characters such as America’s first ranger, Captain Benjamin Church, bring this chapter of history to life like never before.

It was a glorious sign from the Almighty.  Of that, there could be no doubt.

This was certainly the opinion of Major William Bradford, and few seemed inclined to question the holy assessment of the good major and his magnificent pedigree.  The fact that the garrison commander, the aged and venerated James Cudworth, enthusiastically concurred with his famous underling should have eliminated any debate amongst the Puritan faithful.  

Bradford, however, would take no chances, and he zealously reinforced his initial assessment.  “The will of the Lord, my brothers.  The will of the Lord has clearly been made manifest in the night sky.  Our cause is just, and our army is righteous.”

The Reverend John Miles felt obliged to speak, perhaps since it was his own Swansea home currently being used as a military garrison.  “Yea, verily, hear the word of the Lord, recited for the holy soldiers of the Lord.  It is certainly written in the Book of Joel, the sun and the moon will be darkened, and the stars shall no longer shine.  And was not the death of the vile and wicked King Herod sanctified by an eclipse of the moon?  Certainly, Metacomet is a vile enemy of our Lord and given to evil ways, just as King Herod.  Metacomet, this odious King Philip, will indeed pay for his treason.”

Most of the Puritan militia garrisoned in Swansea solemnly bowed their heads.  Some were troubled by the sight of a lunar eclipse on this balmy June night.  The more learned among them recalled their history, and knew that a partially-eclipsed moon, in accordance with prophecy, rose above Constantinople in 1453.  Seven days later, the magnificent city fell to the heathen.

There were also dim mutterings about the Peloponnesian War more than a thousand years ago.  Evidently, a lunar eclipse so greatly troubled the Athenians that their war vessels sat shamefully idle in the harbor.  Ultimately, their enemy exploited their fear and indecision, and destroyed the fleet.  

Others were certain they witnessed the image of a human scalp within the eclipse.  Was it the scalp of an Indian, or an Englishman?  Was there even a scalp to be seen, or was it a witchcraft-induced hallucination?  The quiet ruminations within the garrison were increasingly unsettling.

The sullen deliberations continued, and their confident martial zeal was slowly eroding.  Bradford could discern the consternation among his troops, and he continued his exhortation.  “The savages have committed a grave sin, and the Lord has made His displeasure clear with His handiwork in the night sky.  Be brave, and be of good cheer, for certainly the holy Book of Judges commands us to…”

“Pig titties.”

Never before had one hundred devout Puritan men of high character witnessed such blasphemy in the face of both holy and civil authority.  Major Bradford was the second-in-command of the expedition, and the respected son of the deceased and revered Governor William Bradford.  Major Bradford, as usual, demonstrated a cautious temperament in the face of adversity.

“Excuse me?”

James W. George is a lover of history and historical fiction.  He is a graduate of Boston University and a military veteran.  He is currently residing in Virginia with his wife and children.

He published his critically-acclaimed debut novel, My Father’s Kingdom in January 2017.  The novel described the prelude to King Philip’s War in New England in the 1670s.  The Indie View gave it five stars: “This is high historical drama handled wonderfully…a tale that will fully engage you on every level.”

My Father’s Kingdom is a planned trilogy, and book two, The Prophet and the Witch, was published in September 2017.  This is an epic novel that spans the entire conflict of King Philip’s War, and includes such notable historical figures as Josiah Winslow, Increase Mather, Metacomet, Benjamin Church, and Mary Rowlandson.  The Literary Titan awarded it five stars and a gold medal for October 2017.

The author is looking forward to book three of the trilogy, and he can be found on Goodreads:

Author Interview

Hello, Angels!  It’s great to be with you!

What would you have done differently if you were the main character of your book?

I guess, ultimately, I’d have to focus on the historical character of Josiah Winslow.  Winslow was the son of the famous Edward Winslow, of Mayflower fame.  As governor, Winslow was very adversarial with Metacomet (the “King Philip” of King Philip’s War), and probably needlessly drove the Wampanoag people to war.  Additionally, his decision in 1675 to attack a Narragansett fortress, despite the fact the Narragansett were mostly neutral in the conflict, is an unfortunate episode in American history.

Of course, you asked me about the main character, who is the fictional Israel Brewster.  I guess I would have (spoiler alert) stayed home in Providence with my beautiful bride, and not gone off to war.

What was your inspiration behind this book? 

My initial objective was merely to write a historical novel about a topic the average American was probably unfamiliar with – King Philip’s War in New England (1675).  The more I researched and the more I wrote, however, the more inspired I became.  This is a fascinating era and a fascinating tale of faith, courage, love, and strength in the face of evil.

Why did you become a writer?

To avoid doing all the handyman chores that so desperately need doing around my house.  It’s an awesome excuse.

Do you have a favorite author or authors? 

I’m going to merge this with a subsequent question, if I may.

Do you like to write your books in a continuing series?

This is only the 2nd thing I’ve written, and it’s book two of a series.  I’m loving the “series” experience more than I thought I would.  Everything meshed together beautifully from book one.

If you could date any character from any book, who would it be and why?

Well, as an author, if I’m breathing then I’m probably talking about my own books.  So, I will go with the enticing Constance Wilder, a Quaker woman from Providence.  She has beautiful red hair and fair skin, and every man in the colony is terrified of her due to her passionate intellect and uncompromising virtue.

Still, Constance is spoken for, and I don’t want to get my main character angry at me, so I may have to go with the lovely Katrina Van Tassel from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  Her father owns the most prosperous farm in the region, she’s the most beautiful girl for miles around, and if Brom Bones throws a pumpkin at me to try and scare me away from her, I’m just going to kick his ass.

What kinds of books do you like to read in your spare time? 

On the topic of authors and books, I’m going to include my top ten list at the end of this interview, if it doesn’t take up too much space.

As a reader and writer I think it is important to get to know your fans and make a connection with them as an author who takes the extra step to hear what their fans think and want in their continued writing is continued success and key to selling more books.   Do you agree with that? 

I don’t know how anyone could dispute it.  I’m still pretty new to all of this, but I obsess over every review, and I will yammer about Israel Brewster, Linto, Benjamin Church and King Philip’s War with any reader who will listen.

Do you cry when writing sad scenes?

I definitely choke up.  Is that pathetic?  It’s also kind of weird, when you think about it.  The healing ceremony in chapter nine of book one gets me all verklempt.  In my defense, the audiobook narrator, Angus Freathy, said it got him as well and he had to redo the scene.  The end of chapter twenty-eight in “The Prophet and the Witch” also puts that lump in my throat.  I think the beauty of the verses from the New Testament that accompany that scene really get me.

Did you have a Cover Designer?

No, I was fortunate enough that there were two beautiful old paintings that suited my purpose perfectly.  But Jess from retooled them into the terrific audiobook covers.

If you were able to dine and have a one on one with your favorite writer/author who would it be?

Yikes.  Such a tough question because we have to determine if dead folks are eligible.  Additionally, the definition of “writer” can be a little blurry.  Was Thomas Jefferson a writer?  Saint Paul?  Churchill?  

Let’s go with Shakespeare, so I can interrogate him and put all the conspiracy theories to bed.  “Did you or did you not write all this stuff, Mister Shakespeare?  Or was it Edward De Vere?  Answer the question, William, if that is your real name!  Oh, and please pass the bread, thank you.”

Do you re-read your favorite books?

Goodness, yes.  I can probably recite Catch-22.  I’ve reread plenty of non-fiction as well.

Do you ever get in a reading slump like your readers do?

Probably not.

What is the funniest book you ever read?

Ooh.  Great question.  There’s so many different kinds of “funny.”  Do comic books count?  Doonesbury, The Far Side, etc.?  Did you ever hear of an obscure comic strip called “Mister Boffo?” Pure comedy gold.  I remember one strip is captioned “The IRS when we all finally run out of money” and during the audit, the IRS agent tells the taxpayer “drop and give me twenty pushups.”  How about Jon Stewart’s books?  Man, those were funny.

I think humor is so important in literature.  Even though my books are about a terrible war and man’s inhumanity to man, I do my best to toss in plenty of lighthearted moments.

Thank you so much for hosting me!  If anyone is interested, here are my ten favorite books:

1. The Prophet and the Witch
a. WHAT?  You can’t list your own book here, you big-headed egomaniac!  Ha.  I can and I will.  I certainly hope all of your authors who tackle this question have their own book on the list.  I’d emphasize this is a list of my favorite books, not necessarily the ten “greatest books of all time.”  So, I’m pretty comfortable stating that this is one of my ten favorite books.  It’s got Puritans, Quakers, Mohawks, pirates, seventeenth-century drinking songs, romance, sonnets, militia marching songs, psalmody, a Scottish villain, riveting combat, erotic moments, questions of faith, religion, and friendship. and a slow, insubordinate, flatulent horse.  What more can you ask for? 
2. Don’t Know Much About the Bible
a. This is a work of non-fiction by Kenneth Davis.  It is brilliant.  If you’re not familiar, the title of the series comes from the beautiful R and B song popularized in “Animal House.”  (Don’t know much about history…don’t know much geography…)
b. Davis’ style is to ask a simple question, then answer it.  Where was the Garden of Eden?  When was the Book of Genesis written?  Who wrote it?  Why are there two different creation tales in the Bible?  His answers are clear and concise, and he is never condescending to people of faith.  The book is a reminder that most of us, even church-going folk, can be remarkably uninformed about the Bible.  I’d say the book helped me write my two novels, because it helped me conceptualize how bizarre and incomprehensible the Puritans’ faith must have been to the Native Americans of New England.
3. Catch-22
a. Realistically, I think Catch-22 is a “love it or hate it” type of novel.  There are many people who can’t stand the tone, the dozens of characters, and the lack of real chronology.  I think it’s the best novel ever written.  On countless occasions I’ve picked it up, opened to a random page, and started to read.  Maybe it’s due to twenty-two years spent in the USAF, but the novel really resonates with me, and I still choke up every time I read the climax.  It allegedly took Heller seven years to write it, and I believe it.
b. I just heard George Clooney is going to spearhead a six-part Catch-22 miniseries, so we may be seeing a Catch-22 revival.  It’s a very cerebral book, however, and very difficult to translate to the screen.  Perhaps the most vivid example is the naked man in the tree at the funeral.  In the book, the episode is an enthralling discussion of deja vu, jamais vu, presque vu, and the nature of God, blasphemy, and the clergy.  In the 1970 Mike Nichols movie, it’s just a naked man in a tree.
4. 1984
a. What can I say that hasn’t been said a thousand times before?  In high school English, our curriculum was the dystopian genre, and all these decades later I’m grateful to my teacher.  If you told me in high school that in the year 2017, Americans would be on camera pretty much any time they’re in a city, an airport, or driving through an intersection, I wouldn’t have believed you, and yet, here we are.
b. Of course, Animal Farm is another remarkable achievement.  The animated version is a pretty good representation of the book.  I think when we study the nature of tyranny and evil, we tend to focus exclusively on Hitler, and often we forget what a monster Stalin truly was.  Fortunately, Orwell won’t let us forget.
5. Brave New World
a. Once again, high school English and the dystopian genre.  Who got it right?  Orwell or Huxley?  It seems like we’re kind of staggering toward a bizarre combination of the two dystopias, rife with opioids, government monitoring, obsessive sexual promiscuity, and class hierarchy.  Damn you, Aldous Huxley.  Oh, wait.  A gram is better than…
6. It Can’t Happen Here
a. Sinclair Lewis doesn’t get nearly the attention he deserves.  This book is approximately eighty years old and it enjoyed a brief renaissance after the 2016 election.  I think it was Huey Long who said “when fascism finally comes to America, we’ll call it anti-fascism” or some such thing.
b. I’m holding my copy of the 1935 edition as we speak.  Wait, I have to set it down to type this.
7. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (The Sketch Book)
a. I think we’re all familiar with the tale of the Headless Horseman, but if you’ve never read Washington Irving’s original short story, it is a delight.  A complete masterpiece of lyrical imagery.  I love it so much, it’s where I got my daughter’s name.  Little Ichabod isn’t happy about it, but she got used to it.  It should also be noted The Sketch Book also contains a brief and mostly accurate biography of Metacomet!  And my daughter is named Katrina.
b. I’d like to beat Tim Burton senseless for that abomination of a Sleepy Hollow movie, but he is easy to forgive due to “The Nightmare Before Christmas.”
8. Cornwell’s Arthur Trilogy (The Winter King, Enemy of God, Excalibur)
a. If you asked me to cite the best historical fiction ever written, I think Bernard Cornwell’s trilogy about King Arthur would get my seal of approval.  These books really cemented my love of the genre.
b. King Arthur and Merlin are often depicted as if they just walked out of a Renaissance Faire or a Disney cartoon, all clean and rife with derring-do, but Cornwell attacked the project with a healthy sense of realism.  Based on genuine history, if there was a King Arthur, he was probably a warlord in post-Roman Britain fighting off the Saxon invaders, maybe in the fifth century A.D.  What would his life have been like?  Absolutely enthralling literature.
9. The Undocumented Mark Steyn
a. Uh-oh.  This might get me in trouble with some of your politically attuned readers, but I am a huge Mark Steyn fan.  He is a warrior for free speech, civilized debate, good manners, and uproarious comedy.  Do I agree with everything he says?  Of course not.  But he is one of the most erudite and witty political commentators of our tumultuous age.
10.   The Wordy Shipmates/A Voyage Long and Strange (Tie)
a. I lumped these two together because they are very similar books.  They are both “road trip” books where authors go in search of obscure, early American history.  The smart-alecky Sarah Vowell goes to Massachusetts to study the Puritans, (aka The Wordy Shipmates).  It’s stupendous reading as she highlights some of the mysteries and tragedies of our American ancestors.
b. In “A Voyage Long and Strange,” journalist Tony Horwitz asks the questions, (paraphrasing) “If Columbus sailed in 1492, and the Mayflower sailed in 1620, what happened during the 128 years between the two events? And didn’t the Vikings discover America anyway?”  So, it’s a marvelous recounting of all the colonization and exploration in North America in those years.  As an author who chose the Puritans and one of America’s most obscure wars as my subject, these books are obviously near to my heart.  There is so much incredible history that remains far too obscure.  How many of us know the tale of the Pilgrims who colonized Florida, long before Plymouth?  A terrific book, indeed.

James W. George will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Nikolina said...

Judging by the excerpt, book sounds very intriguing, looking forward to reading it!

James W. George said...

Whew! Nice to be with you today, even though your web site makes my glasses steam up!

Love the interview questions!