
Friday, April 4, 2014

Book Review for Viking in Love (Viking I #8) by Sandra Hill

Viking in Love 
(Viking I #8)
by Sandra Hill

5 stars

Reviewed by: Angels
Genre:  Paranormal Romance/Time Travel

She said . . .
Caedmon of Larkspur is the most loathsome lout I have ever encountered! When my sisters and I arrived at his castle, we were greeted by servants and children running wild, while Caedmon lied abed after a night of ale. No doubt there will be another child soon, because I must admit he's as handsome as he is virile. And I must endure him, for we are in desperate need of protection, though I can only imagine what this knight will demand of me in return . . .
He said . . .
After nine long months in the king's service, all I wanted was peace . . . not five Viking princesses running my keep. And the fiery redhead who burst into my chamber that first morning is the worst of all. Why, I should kick her out . . . but I have a much more wickedly delightful plan for Breanne of Stoneheim, one that will leave her a Viking in lust.

My Thoughts and Review

Let me start out by saying I love Sandra Hills books and I am a big fan of her books.Sandra's books for me have all the things that make up a great read for me. This book was funny sexual had me laughing so hard at some points and others crying out my eyes.I don't think I have read a book this year that I laughed so hard.

Normally the books are written about the Viking being the male of the book but, this time around it was about 5 Viking Norse princesses and one of them finding love. The Viking princesses are all sisters 4 of them come to visit there sister when they arrive to sister there sister beaten to a pulp and has a broken arm. Things get out of hand a somebody ends up dead so they conspire together to form a plan to get rid of the body and flee to safety until they can get word to the father the King for protection.

The sister end up at a small estate a cousin to her sisters cousin and ask for his permission to stay until the can make arrangements to go home. Things at this keep are in disrepair and the princesses set to righting immediately once there.Its all a flurry a run down keep and 10 children running around all the owners children.

The interactions from then on between Caedmon of Larkspur and Breanne the feisty princess gave you much entertainment. The both had a way with words making to chuckle quiet a lot.She needs to protect her sisters and must get him to give them protection after spilling the entire truth of what happen.He wants them gone as they will be nothing but trouble until her poses that Breanne must share his bed for 10 days and do all willing things he asks.

The journey beings of a passionate romance and a developing friendship.The children are falling in love with there princess and do not want her to go but, Caedmon wants no marriage nor wife or children.
The children will not give up. The is danger lurking and he must find a way to avoid it.

The characters all in this book made it work the children did there parts to make the book funny with some of the stuff that came out of there mouth you would not expect had you laughing so hard and in shock.Breanne my favorite with her quick whit and sharp tongue.Caedmon camaraderie with is friends and there loyalty were endearing.The princess doing all kinds of deeds that servants do and never complaining and enjoying every minute of it not what you would expect. Seeing genuine love and affection in a house of servants friends and the children was a nice tough also..

The best part of the book though for me is the final act that the children make to nab a princess for there mother you won't want to miss.A Recommended read for all I never had so many laughs in one book it was a treat and delightful read !