
Monday, June 1, 2015

Book Review for A Saint's Salvation by Beverly Ovalle

A Saint's Salvation 
by Beverly Ovalle

5 stars
Reviewed by : Tonya
Format : Kindle Edition
Published by : Secret Cravings Publishing

Source: Purchased Copy
Gene:  Romance ,War,Military

Corporal Nicholas 'Saint' Santiago needs to go 

home to reclaim the man he used to be. To be

 the man he was before Operation Enduring

 Freedom slowly hardened his heart. He needs 

to reconnect to the values and the reasons he is

 doing what he does. Saint also needs to try to

 forget the courageous woman he knows was

meant to be his.

Petty Officer Angelina Jones' life changed the 

moment Saint saved her life. She survived the

 blast but now has to deal with the fact that she 

will never be whole. Knowing Saint received a

 'Dear John' letter, Angelina has no intention of

 being his rebound romance. She needs to be 

loved for herself. She needs to forget about the

 one man she knows was meant to be hers.

They each try to find someone to help them

But what does fate have planned for them?

Our Review

This book reached in and touched my soul. I had to keep a tissue handy - so many parts throughout tug at your heart strings and bring a tear to your eye. Of course one minute you are blubbering and the next you are giggling at a funny comment or incident. 

Nick (Saint by his friends) is a Marine and is over in Afghanistan and lives by the motto Semper Fi, Always Faithful. As an Army veteran I have a love for all those who serve & have served but an even deeper respect for marines. They are the best of the best. Nick was faithful to his family, friends and never waivers in his faith in God but most importantly to the Corp. 

Of course years of battle, war, loss and pain drags you down. Dear John letters, injuries and death can drain your soul and steal your spirit and Nick needed to be recharged. He needed to know all that he did meant something. 

Doc was the beautiful Marine that Nick's heart flipped over but being the man he was that's as far as it went. But then it happened and their lives were changed. Oh uh don't go assuming on that statement LOL

Nick finally gets leave and time with his family and the healing begins. Of course, in the arms of Angelina seals the last of the black hole. The chemistry between these two on their blind matched date is enough to make you need a cold shower. 

What a great story, my heart leapt out time and time again reading this book. I can't wait to see what happens with Nick and Angelina. If what they found continues, does he go back, what happens next. 

Oh make sure you read the "About The Author" at the end. I have an even more or new found respect for Beverly. Thank you Beverly for all that you do and again Thank you to your son.